Our Philosophy

Ideas To Live By

We teach and practice The Science of Mind, founded by Ernest Holmes.  It is “a philosophy, a faith and a way of life” that integrates spiritual truths with practical tools to create greater joy, peace of mind and expanded life experiences.

Our message offers a practical path to God, using prayer as the tool to strengthen faith, heal and expand experiences of love.  Our teachings incorporate the ideas of great spiritual leaders such as Buddha, Jesus, Emerson and others to provide an all-encompassing foundation for unlimited creative potential.

Guiding Principles

  • God is a universal presence, not a person.
  • We are one with God. We are individualized expressions of God’s infinite power and goodness.
  • God’s power is a loving and perfect intelligence. We can use this power to create a peaceful, productive and abundant life.
  • All of life is sacred, eternal, forever-expanding and divinely guided.​
